As a member of the America’s ToothFairy Kids Club, you can receive educational activities, tips, and personalized letters from the ToothFairy! This club was developed to promote healthy smiles for all kids, and is available to you for FREE because we are a Practice of Distinction.
Each month, your family will receive an email from the ToothFairy with educational activities that encourage healthier living for kids and adults! Each e-newsletter also includes tips and ideas to help you keep your child’s smile happy and healthy!
Here are some of the types of activities you will find in the Kids Club newsletter, along with a personalized message from the ToothFairy:
- Songs
- Tooth-brushing charts
- Mazes
- Word finds
- Recipes
- Activities
- Crossword puzzles
- Coloring pages
- And more!
Ask us about the Kids Club the next time you visit our office!